
Links to other people’s writings, tutorials, etc. that I’ve found helpful.

Kaija Gahm

This is basically my Twitter bookmarks section in a more permanent and accessible format.

R and Data Science

RStudio Community

RStudio Community is, on the whole, a much more friendly and helpful place to ask R-related questions than e.g. StackOverflow or some other online forums.

Happy Git with R

Happy Git with R by Jenny Bryan, Jim Hester, and the STAT 545 TA’s. This is the authoritative guide to using Git with R, and I think I open it every single time I need to use Git.

The Distillery

The Distillery, a showcase of websites built with Distill (including this one!) Created by John Helveston.

Guide to stat_ layers

Guide to stat_ layers in ggplot by June Choe

An introduction to hierarchical modeling

An introduction to hierarchical modeling (aka mixed models)–scrolling viz by Michael Freeman that does a great job explaining variance partitioning.

Data Visualization

A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R

A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R by Cédric Scherer

The Evolution of a ggplot

The Evolution of a ggplot, also by Cédric Scherer

Some very cool weather charts

Some very cool weather charts by Taras Kaduk

Creating color palettes

Creating color palettes for ggplot, by Simon Jackson

Reproducibility and Open Science

Project-oriented Workflow

Jenny Bryan’s legendary article on keeping a project-oriented workflow: I go back to this all. the. time.


SORTEE (Society for open, reliable, and transparent ecology & evolutionary biology) is a new-ish society working on reproducibility/open science in the EEB field.

What to do when you don’t trust your data anymore

What to do when you don’t trust your data anymore by Kate Laskowski, discussing the Pruitt retraction situation.

See also 17 Months by Daniel Bolnick, examining the whole process of auditing the Pruitt papers after the work was finished.

Keeping a Paper Trail: Data Management Skills for Reproducible Science

Also by Kate Laskowski: Keeping a Paper Trail: Data Management Skills for Reproducible Science


Twitter card validator When I was having trouble getting my links to display the correct preview image on Twitter, Ijeamaka Anyene referred me to the Twitter Card Validator, where you can test your links’ preview images before posting them.

Miscellaneous Cool Things on the Internet

Ask a Manager

Ask a Manager is fun reading, and helps me internalize ideas about what a healthy workplace looks like.

Map of carbon footprint by location

Map of carbon footprint by location, debunking the idea that living in a rural area is more eco-friendly.

Interactive city road map-making tool

Interactive city road map-making tool by Andrei Kashcha


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