
Modeling Situation-Specific Effects of Multiple Mortality on Social Network Structure in Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus)

This post is a companion to the poster that I presented at ABS 2022, San José, Costa Rica. It contains a bit more information about the project.

Retroactively Reproducible: Lessons from a workflow audit

A talk I gave at the 2021 SORTEE conference about my experience implementing data management and reproducibility tools retroactively, for an existing project, even if best practices weren’t used from the beginning. I also discuss organizing and making sense of someone else’s analyses when approaching the project as an outsider.

greenT: Exploring grapheme-color synesthesia

For my whole life, I've associated colors with letters and numbers. This is called grapheme-color synesthesia. For my second major project in Shiny, I built an app to help me explain synesthesia to friends, and to learn more about the experiences of other synesthetes.

YGDP Dashboard

From June through December 2020, I taught myself Shiny and ended up creating a pretty complicated interactive dashboard for exploring dialect variation across the US. Here's a bit about my experience using Shiny, as well as the app itself for you to play around with.

The Tadpole Olympics

For my B.S. thesis project at Yale, I measured how fast wood frog tadpoles swim in response to a simulated predator attack, and how that swimming speed relates to their developmental rate. It turns out that developing fast comes with a performance cost, and that tradeoff might help to explain some of the patterns we've observed in wood frogs' developmental rates in the past. A short description of the post.

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